It's been a beautiful holiday season here in Bodega Bay. For the most part, the weather has been warm and sunny with little wind. I recently took some photos of the Christmas lights around town but many turned out too blurry to post. The following are still pretty soft but I thought Bodega Bay fans might enjoy seeing some of the local shots.

The Tides went all out again with thousands of lights streaming through rows of trees on both sides of Hwy. 1. The shot above is looking towards the Inn and their Bay View Restaurant on the upper side of the highway. The image below is looking toward their large Tides restaurant complex on the lower side. The shots don't do it justice, their display is really spectacular.

I was disappointed that I couldn't find a single boat with Christmas lights in either of the marinas. I know I've seen them lit up in previous years. Maybe they took them down early?
I noticed in today's Press Democrat, they recommended a trip to Bodega Bay as a New Year's Eve suggestion: A low-budget New Year's Eve could start with a drive to Spud Point Marina in Bodega Bay for clam chowder and fresh crab. Walk onto the dock among fishermen and boats to experience the salty air and saltier talk that is tradition for some.
Spud Point Crab Co. sells chowder and cooked crab that you may eat there on picnic tables or take home. Live crab can be had elsewhere, like on the fishing boat Robert Croll.
Carol Anello, co-owner of Spud Point Crab, said her doors open at 9 a.m. and close around 3 p.m. on New Year's Eve. Over the holidays, people have swarmed the place to take in food and atmosphere, she said. “It's a real experience in the morning when the fishermen are out drinking their coffee with their dogs and shooting the bull,” said Anello, whose son and husband are often among them. “Sometimes it gets heated.”
She said the crab isn't as big as previous years but it's just as tasty. Plan on spending no more than about $10 per crab. “We cook them right here and serve clam chowder while you're waiting,” she said.
To read the entire article, click here.