This has been one of the nicest weekends in Bodega Bay in a long time. After an unusually long, foggy summer, we finally enjoyed clear skies, no wind, and temperatures in the 70s!
Of course, the beaches were packed, Doran Beach’s parking lots were full by midday and a steady parade of visitors streamed through town up Hwy. 1.
The water was really the place to be! It was such fun to see kids wading along the mud flats in the harbor, powerboats cruising out to sea, and a colorful Hobie Cat race, the Sharkfeed Regatta, that took place Saturday and Sunday on Bodega Bay, right off Doran Beach. Here are some photos of the festivities.

We finally had an opportunity to take my new kayak out for her maiden voyage and it was a blast! However, I don't have any photos to document the big event because I didn't want to risk getting my camera wet. We set off from Campbell Cove beach, near Hole-in-the-Head. The soft sand makes it a great place to launch kayaks, but it's a bit of hike down from the parking lot.
We rowed along the base of Bodega Head and watched the Hobie Cat race out on Bodega Bay, then turned up Bodega Harbor toward town. Hugging the shore, we passed an enormous flock of what seemed fifty or more beautiful white pelicans on a sandbar-boy I wished I had the camera. As we rowed quietly past, several stretched their wings to reveal the black edges. Here's a stock photo of what they looked like:

We also saw several harbor seals and hundreds of shore birds. Next time I'll try to bring my camera. It was a perfect day to kayak because there wasn't any wind, the water was calm, and the tide was high all day. Even low tide was higher than some day's high, does that make sense? Ttfn!