As I was tidying up the house yesterday afternoon, I glanced out the window and saw a huge bobcat sitting in our backyard! Not out in the open space where we usually see them, this guy was sitting right where I'd been playing with our dog about ten minutes earlier. I ran and got my husband and the camera. (Unfortunately the battery was low so the photos came out soft and overexposed.)
Then the strangest thing happened! When my husband went out on the deck to photograph the bobcat, instead of ignoring us like they usually do, this one got up and started trotting right toward us. For a moment, I thought he was going to leap right up onto the deck and attack us as though we were paparazzi! Then at the last second he abruptly turned right instead, and ran alongside bushes underneath us. Wow, I'd never seen that behavior before. I wonder what was up? Bobcats usually seem disinterested in humans and if we give them plenty of space, they calmly go on about their business. This guy was different. Maybe he had been harassed or hurt by someone?

Just before disappearing around the side of our house, he stopped to glance back up at us.

Hoping for another glimpse, we ran to the front door just in time to see him crossing the street. He wasn't pleased to see us again, he looked scared. He didn't strut off slowly the way so many others have done. This guy was spooked and took off running. How sad, I wonder what happened to him?

I don't recall seeing this particular bobcat before. Last spring, a litter of three were born and raised in the ravine nearby but they haven't been around for a few months. Maybe he's one of them, just more mature now? He's much larger, his coloring is lighter and less spotted, no ear tufts, and he had longer "ruff," fur on the sides of his face. For comparison, you can see other bobcat photos from previous posts here and here. What a wild experience, I LOVE living in Bodega Bay!!!
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