I just received a colorful postcard announcing a new meal delivery service. Melissa Freeman, owner of the soon-to-open new Bodega Bay restaurant The Birds Cafe, is now delivering fresh, home-cooked meals on a weekly basis.
Melissa has lived in Bodega Bay her entire life. She was a real estate broker for many years, but says her real love is cooking. Her family owns Compass Rose Gardens, where she spent a significant part of her life catering events. Melissa is going through the steps to open The Birds Cafe across from Pelican Plaza, overlooking the bay. Meanwhile she's providing a service that family, friends, and locals have told her is much needed in our community - fresh home cooked meal delivery. Meals will be prepared in a rented, fully equipped commercial kitchen under her catering license from Sonoma County. Far out, I wish her great success!
You can reach her at 707-875-2900 or through www.thebirdscafe.com.