Friday, February 27, 2009

The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock

Well I finally watched The Birds. I had to. Everyone who hears I’m living in Bodega Bay asks about it, and they’re shocked when I admit I never saw the film. As you may know, this classic Hitchcock thriller was set out here in Bodega Bay, many scenes were filmed on location, and it seems to have put this heavenly coastal village on the map.

As a publicist, I talk to media people across the country every day and when they find out where I am, they invariably mention The Birds. One radio show host back east is a Hitchcock fan and actually came to Bodega Bay just to see the locations. Others say they’ve vacationed on the Sonoma Coast and visited the famous Hitchcock sites while they were here. And many just ask if I’m afraid of the birds. Ha ha!

Before watching the movie, I visited several websites that provide a wealth of background information about the making of the movie as well as photos of scenes that were shot on location,
FilmInAmerica, The Tides, and our local visitor’s site.

Local sites include the Potter Schoolhouse and St. Teresa’s Church in the nearby town of Bodega, Bay Hill Rd., Taylor St., Westshore Rd., Bodega Head, Diekmann’s Market (earlier incarnation) and The Tides restaurant.
The Tides has also been expanded and remodeled since then, but I totally remember it as it was in the movie, smaller and painted white with orange trim. It was one of my grandparents’ favorite spots along the coast.

I loved the movie! What a masterpiece. Here’s a quick summary from IMDB. “A wealthy San Francisco playgirl pursues a potential boyfriend to a small Northern California town that slowly takes a turn for the bizarre when birds of all kinds suddenly begin to attack people there in increasing numbers and with increasing viciousness.”

Bodega Bay and the surrounding area looked beautiful, postcard perfect. And it really was a thrill to see all the local shots throughout the film! In fact, instead of being concerned about the children getting attacked by birds, I found myself saying “Hey, there’s the old Diekmann’s Market!”

Tippi Hedren was gorgeous, wasn’t she? (Turns out she’s Melanie Griffith’s mother.) In recent years, she has come back to Bodega Bay for public appearances to raise funds for her animal conservation work.

The film also stars Rod Taylor, Jessica Tandy, and one of my favorite actresses, Suzanne Pleschette.

I’m so glad to have finally watched this world-famous classic. Not only was it a wonderful film, now I’m prepared for the next time someone says “Oh, you’re in Bodega Bay? Isn’t that where they filmed The Birds?”


  1. When I was growing up I remember that they used to show the Birds on TV once a year. We would always make a big deal out of watching it by turning off the lights and making popcorn. I remember one night watching it with my little white hamster Lucy. She was asleep in my breast pocket of my pajamas. She woke up and moved, I screamed and I must have jumped 3 feet! I'll never forget that. How fun to reminisce. I haven't seen it in years but always think of it when we're at The Tides.

  2. What a great story Julie! Thank you for sharing it.

  3. I have to admit, I never saw the movie either.
    Did it look still look scary?

    Karen O

  4. No, not by today's standards. But it was still very well done and enormously entertaining. Although I am totally biased because because I LIVE here now! :-D


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