Friday, July 17, 2009

Sea Lion Swimming Lessons

We were recently fortunate enough to attend a Marine Mammal Center release here in Bodega Bay, where they returned a number of rehabilitated sea lion and harbor seal pups to the sea. So when I saw this video from the Pittsburgh Zoo, I was especially intrigued and wanted to share it with you. If offers a fascinating (and adorable) glimpse of the natural behavior that's probably taking place up and down the coast here as well.


  1. So cute! I wish my swimmers could pick it up that easy!


  2. oooohhh! I love babies. How cute!!!

  3. Oh, how utterly precious!! Thank you so much for sharing this, Kathlene! (I will RT!)

  4. Thank you very much Karen, Julie and Kathryn. I appreciate your comments. I loved how the mom just scooped the pup up onto the deck each time it looked like he'd had enough.


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