Friday, January 22, 2010

Bodega Bay Coast Guard Rocks in Pacific Waves

Here's a cool video showing crew members of Coast Guard Station Bodega Bay training in the surf near Dillon Beach, just south of Bodega Bay.

Be careful, watching it can make you feel queasy! The Coast Guard crew aboard Motor Lifeboat 47257 was training in the Pacific Ocean during high surf on Jan. 13, 2010. Bodega Bay is one of 20 designated surf stations, whose crews specialize in conducting search and rescue missions in heavy weather and seas.

We've been getting slammed here on the coast with rain, gusty winds and high seas. Recent swells off of Bodega Bay were 23 feet and winds were 25 mph and gusting to 30 mph. Very exciting!

The video looks most dramatic if you view it in full screen.

U.S. Coast Guard video by Station Bodega Bay.

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  1. Wow that is cool! It's just like I was out there with them, except I wasn't scared! We have been getting all that rain in AZ too!

  2. So Very awesome!!! Lily & I watched the whole thing! We just marveled at how vertical the boat would get going up the swells and waves...You literally were looking straight up at the sky!!! Very special...Great Blog and very diverse... I love it!

  3. Thank you Cherrie! I hope things dry out a bit in Arizona for you.

  4. Thank you, I'm so glad you enjoyed it!


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